Washington, DC - (July 12, 2018) - The following analysis of the Washington, DC housing market has been prepared for the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® based on analysis of Bright MLS multiple listing data by MarketStats by ShowingTime.   June's median sales price was $603,375, beating last year's median and showing the highest June level on record. The 890 June sales represented a 1.2 percent decrease versus last year and above the June five -year average of 880. Even with the median sales price at record highs, supply is scarce with only 2.0 months of supply on hand. There was a 1.5 percent bump in contract activity compared to last June. The 1,002 overall new pending sales topped the five-year…

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June Home Sales Dip 5 Percent, New Contracts Rise 5 Percent, Housing Supply Still Lean as Slower Summer Months Approach,
 Lenders Offer New Products for Interest Rate Locks Reports the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors®   Fairfax - Even though the housing market nationally has leveled off, Northern Virginia buyers successfully closed on 2,581 homes in June. These sales amount to a modest decrease of 5 percent compared to the 2,718 homes sold one year ago. This is no cause for concern when looking at the big picture of Northern Virginia home sales trends this year.   "The slight decline in this past month's home sales reflects that summertime is upon us, people are busy with plans, and clients…

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Independence Day is one of the important days in the history of any country. 4th Of July is therefore an important day for the residents of the United States as the country became free and declared its independence on this special day. This independence was first enjoyed in the year 1776 and could be possible only by the efforts made by the leaders and the great personalities. Their efforts as well as sacrifices finally broke the chains to become a free nation. 
The single biggest issue on most home sellers' minds is how to achieve the highest sale price possible in the least amount of time.  Well, we set ourselves…

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