Wet June Weather Won't Dampen Northern Virginia Housing Market Homebuyer Enthusiasm Pushes Limits on Pricing

Fairfax - "Temperatures were not the only things rising in Northern Virginia last month," says Christine Richardson, president of the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors®. "Our NVAR region saw average prices that were 5 percent higher than in 2018, and the average price in Arlington rose by almost 14 percent above last year," Richardson says.

 The average sale price in the NVAR region in June was $632,016, compared to $601,928 in June of 2018. The year-to-date average price at the end of June was $608,685, which was 3.38 percent higher than the year-to-date average in mid-2018. Sales volume for the first half of 2019 in the NVAR region…

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Independence Day is one of the important days in the history of any country. 4th Of July is therefore an important day for the residents of the United States as the country became free and declared its independence on this special day. This independence was first enjoyed in the year 1776 and could be possible only by the efforts made by the leaders and the great personalities. Their efforts as well as sacrifices finally broke the chains to become a free nation. 
The single biggest issue on most home sellers' minds is how to achieve the highest sale price possible in the least amount of time.  Well, we set ourselves…

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