Close to 70% of families say they have a dog or a cat in their household. If you are in that sizeable majority and are planning on relocating to Montclair, Dumfries, there are some planning steps you can take to help ease the move for your four-legged family members. 

Since the daily routine is going to be thoroughly undermined, on the day of your move, do as much as is practical to retain a calm atmosphere. If possible, provide a small quiet area where the pets can stay out of the way and safely clear of any wide-open doors. If you have portable fencing that’s strong enough to do the job, remember to make it available with the first wave of unpacking.

Fostering calm is especially important while your goods are being moved in and out by big, scary strangers.  If you will be using cages for transportation, make sure they are roomy enough and put in some familiar, comforting toys. For especially excitable pets, you may want to consider spraying their cage ahead of time with a pheromone formulation that helps retain calm.

Relocating to Montclair, Dumfries or moving into any new home is apt to create opportunities for pet prison breaks. A move can disrupt behavior patterns for even the most loyal four-footer. Both cats and dogs who have gotten lost during relocation have famously made their way back home — even when the home isn’t there anymore. Prevent such misdirected heroics by making sure the garden has been fully secured before you move – and have all collars equipped with new tags with new Montclair, Dumfries contact information. A double failsafe method is to have your pet micro-chipped. 

Relocating to Montclair, Dumfries will be a big event and a big adventure. Pup and Kitty will settle in shortly: the truth is, as soon as you are content, they will be, too. If you are in the early stages and have not yet found your new Montclair, Dumfries home, I offer some of the best services in town – and I’d be delighted to introduce you to some of our best neighborhoods!  Call me anytime.

Posted by Abuzar Waleed on
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